Letter to all New Yorkers
Dear Neighbors,
If you dare to dream in our woke world, then dream of New York State unified by love of each other as brothers and sisters. Rekindle your hearts with the promise God has given us for free will to be whatever we desire to be. Do not ever let go of it. Do not allow the rhetoric of our current politicians and government to stir your hearts and spirit away from the promise given to you by God.
Do not allow falsehoods, lies, distortions of truth, ideologies spawned from evil to create a feeling of hopelessness in adversity. Just remember the flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful flower of them all. We are god’s children. We are free by the very essence of our birth and first breadth. We are not of Government, but government is for and by the people; “We the People”.
It is time to awaken and vote these dividers in chief out of office. It is time to tell them that we will not tolerate any more lies and manipulation or be used as political pawns. We are the United States of America, we are New York Strong! A people graced by God, a people of power and of choice. Chose Truth, Equal Protections and Justice, Chose Unity.
Say no more to identity politics, gender politics, race baiting. Do not accept to be categorized for there is no category in god’s heart. Instead become the reason why America and New York are saved from this new socialist liberal rogue regime.
Finally, we will not accept a government that wants our free will and love of country to be destroyed. We will not accept hopelessness, insecurities created by this new regime of politicians to keep us down with fear. We are sons and daughters of God. We will not be suppressed and oppressed no more. It is time to stand united to bring back safety, stability and prosperity for all.
Samantha Zherka
Candidate for NYS Senate
Heading to Albany
Mom Power
This Mom will be the voice for the voiceless a fighter as a mother would fight for her child!